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Il portale ufficiale dei dati europei

Ulteriore materiale per la formazione

20 risultati trovati
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Section Titolo
Training module overview - introduction to open government data Open Government Data and the PSI Directive
Training module overview - introduction to open government data Introduction to Linked Data
Training module overview - introduction to open government data Introduction to RDF & SPARQL
Training module overview - introduction to open government data Introduction to Metadata Management
Training module overview - introduction to open government data Promoting the Re-use of Open Data through ODIP
Training module overview - Introduction to linked open government data The Linked Open Government Data Lifecycle
Training module overview - Introduction to linked open government data Introduction to Open Data Quality
Training module overview - Introduction to linked open government data Design and Manage Persistent URIs
Training module overview - Introduction to linked open government data Designing and Developing vocabularies in RDF
Training module overview - Introduction to linked open government data Licence your Data and Metadata