20 találat összesen
Section | Cím |
Training module overview - introduction to open government data | Open Government Data and the PSI Directive |
Training module overview - introduction to open government data | Introduction to Linked Data |
Training module overview - introduction to open government data | Introduction to RDF & SPARQL |
Training module overview - introduction to open government data | Introduction to Metadata Management |
Training module overview - introduction to open government data | Promoting the Re-use of Open Data through ODIP |
Training module overview - Introduction to linked open government data | The Linked Open Government Data Lifecycle |
Training module overview - Introduction to linked open government data | Introduction to Open Data Quality |
Training module overview - Introduction to linked open government data | Design and Manage Persistent URIs |
Training module overview - Introduction to linked open government data | Designing and Developing vocabularies in RDF |
Training module overview - Introduction to linked open government data | Licence your Data and Metadata |