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European data
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Roinn Teideal
Ábhair oiliúna eile Data protection in the re-use of PSI
Ábhair oiliúna eile Open Data Goldbook for Data Managers and Data Holders
Ábhair oiliúna eile Open data in 10 episodes: Watch movies, learn more about open data and gain practical skills on how to prepare data in open formats on the Polish National Data Portal
Treoir Leasaithe PSI a chur i bhfeidhm National guides to Implementation of the Revised PSI Directive
Treoir Leasaithe PSI a chur i bhfeidhm Best Practices for Sharing Public Sector Information
Leathanaigh fíricí - Eolas ar thopaicí ar leith maidir le Tairseacha Sonraí Oscailte Controlled vocabularies: Learn what controlled vocabularies are and how to use them
Leathanaigh fíricí - Eolas ar thopaicí ar leith maidir le Tairseacha Sonraí Oscailte Data formats: Most common data formats used
Leathanaigh fíricí - Eolas ar thopaicí ar leith maidir le Tairseacha Sonraí Oscailte DCAT-AP: Information on the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe
Leathanaigh fíricí - Eolas ar thopaicí ar leith maidir le Tairseacha Sonraí Oscailte Short overview of CKAN: Short overview of CKAN
Leathanaigh fíricí - Eolas ar thopaicí ar leith maidir le Tairseacha Sonraí Oscailte Short overview of licences: Introduction to licences for Open Data and explanation to the most often used licences