A decade of progress: The 2024 Open Data Maturity Report is now available!
Celebrate the 10th anniversary of mapping the European open data landscape
We are happy to announce that, for the tenth time, the annual report measuring the level of open data maturity (ODM) across Europe has been published. This year, the EU-27 countries accomplished a maturity score of 83%! Back in 2015, when the first assessment was conducted, the EU average was just 46%, so this shows great improvement. Seventeen of the participating countries increased their year-on-year maturity score from 2023 to 2024, marking great progress. We can proudly state that we moved from 30 participating countries in 2015 to a total of 34 countries in 2024, covering more of open data maturity in Europe.
The 2024 assessment includes 27 EU Member States, three European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries (Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland) and four candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Ukraine). The most mature countries in the EU-27 are France (100%), Poland (98%) and Slovakia (96%). The most mature EFTA country is Norway (89%), and of the candidate countries, this is Ukraine (97%). Let’s also give a spotlight to our biggest climbers: Latvia (+10 percentage points), Serbia (+9 percentage points), and Croatia (+9 percentage points).
The Open Data Maturity (ODM) assessment is a benchmarking exercise performed by the Publications Office of the European Union and the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT). Participating countries complete a self-assessment survey that measures the year-on-year progress in making public sector information available and stimulating reuse. With a slight update on the methodology to include the latest developments, the assessment was performed again on the policy, portal, quality and impact dimensions.
Want to see all country scores at a glance? Visit our dedicated ODM dashboard. Looking for more detailed insights and an opportunity to visually explore online how your country performed? Stay tuned because an ODM mini-site is in the pipeline!
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