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Learn about the key highlights of the Innovation Lab’s ‘iTalks’ on open data skills initiatives

Discover the six ‘iTalks’ sessions with experts on data literacy initiatives hosted by the Digital Innovation Lab

The digital era brings an increasing demand for digital and data skilled professionals. To draw attention to these new skills and understand how different stakeholders aim to address the current lack of these skills in the public sector, the Digital Innovation Lab, also known as iLab, hosted a series of six sessions with experts on ‘Exploring data literacy initiatives to foster public sector innovation’ throughout the months of June and July.

The first session ‘Data literacy for European Public Administration’ was held on the 14th of June and highlighted data literacy initiatives for European Public Administration. During the second session ‘Helping the public sector to develop data skills’, the Open Data Institute (ODI) and PUBLIC shared how they help the public sector to develop data skills. Dr. Stefaan Verhulst, Co-Founder and Chief, Research, Development Officer and Director of GovLab’s Data program, explained how GovLabs activities relate to Data Stewards in the third session ‘The Role of Data Stewards in Data Literacy with Dr. Stefaan Verhulst’.

In the fourth iTalk ‘How to prepare public servants for the digital era with David Eaves’, David EAVES explained the initiative ‘Teaching Public Service in the Digital Age’ where he is co-founder of. This initiative sought to bring together faculty from around the world to co-design a curriculum to teach digital competencies for future public leaders. During the fifth session ‘Developing data literacy in the public sector for a more mature digital government with Barbare Ubaldi’, Barbara Ubaldi, Head of the Digital Government and Data unit and the deputy Head of Division on Open and Innovative Governments within OECD Public Governance Directorate, told more about how to develop data literacy in the public sector.

To conclude, the session ‘How can data literacy contribute to evidence-informed policy making with Professor Gaby Umbach’ delved deeper into the statistics and data literacy in policymaking.

Are you curious to learn more about the iTalks? Read the recaps, find the slides and the link to the recordings of each session here.

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