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Learn about the key highlights of the data.europa.eu workshop on EYE 'Open Data: Why is it a big thing and what can I do with it?'

Explore the workshop of data.europa.eu on the European Youth Event where ideas were exchanged on a variety of topics in the heart of Europe

On 9 and 10 June 2023, the fifth edition of the European Youth Event (EYE) took place, bringing thousands of young people together to share ideas on Europe’s future. Participants interacted, inspired each other and exchanged views with experts, activists, influencers and decision-makers.

During the EYE, participants had the opportunity to join panel debates, workshops, artistic activities and stands covering a variety of topics such as culture, economy and the environment. Given the upcoming European Elections in 2024, activities related to democracy and participation were highlighted under ‘Elections track’, while activities related to climate, environment and sustainability were featured under the ‘Green track’.

The event initiated on 9 June with an official opening, joined by representatives of the European Parliament and the City of Strasbourg. Following that, participants then had the chance to engage in different activities, including networking events such, tours, briefings about the European Parliament and artistic activities. At the ‘Ideas Hub’, people could share and develop ideas and participants could apply to become an EYEdea booster.

Data.europa.eu presented ‘Open Data: Why is it a big thing and what can I do with it?’, where they shed light on the concept of open data, what you can do with it and how to access and use the data.europa.eu portal. Tips on how to make the most of the portal were given and participants explored all the content available for use through a hands-on live demonstration. Furthermore, the EU datathon was explained highlighting some of the winning applications.

All in all, the EYE offered young people the opportunity to share ideas, gain inspiration and learn from experts on a wide range of topics at the heart of European democracy.   

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