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European data
Oficiálny portál pre údaje o Európe

Prípady použitia

Počet nájdených výsledkov: 775
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  • Health

This application shows live pollen levels

  • Štátny a verejný sektor

Open Data Companion offers a single point of access to more than 170 Open Data portals

  • Štátny a verejný sektor

This mobile application centralises all information of the Spanish Ministry of Social Security (SS)

  • Veda a technológie

Showcased company providing research and data solutions

  • Veda a technológie

Showcased company developing eMobility solutions

  • Veda a technológie

Showcased organisation developing and testing new technologies for the public sector

  • Spravodlivosť, právny systém a verejná bezpečnosť

Showcased company providing tools to search and work with EU legislative documents

  • Poľno-hospodárstvo, rybolov, lesníctvo a potraviny

Showcased company providing cattle management sensors and tools

  • Veda a technológie

Showcased company specialising in research and management consultancy services

  • Životné prostredie

Showcased company providing geospatial analytics and services