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data.europa academy: Discover our 11 open data courses!

Learn about a variety of open data topics in the courses on the restructured data.europa academy

In February 2023, the restructured data.europa academy was launched to support its evolution as a learning hub and single access point for open data resources from European countries, EU institutions, agencies and bodies. To easily discover and access relevant information and topics on the data.europa academy, the original 38 courses were regrouped into the following 11 courses:

  1. Introducing open data: to understand the concept and benefits of open data.
  2. Understanding the legal side of open data: to understand how legislation and regulations can impact the publication and reuse of open data.
  3. Incorporating open data into your application: to learn how developers or businesses can use open data in their applications.
  4. Creating your business with open data: to understand how to use open data to create or develop a new product or service.
  5. Measuring the impact of open data: to learn different methods to measure the impact and maturity of open data in Europe, the importance of reuse, the value of open data in the public and private sector and how our research in the Use Case Observatory contributes to impact measurement.
  6. Moving towards data spaces: to learn about data sharing platforms and data spaces.
  7. Improving open data and metadata quality: to learn how to unlock the benefits of open data, the role of, recommended guidelines and opportunities and challenges of citizen-generated data.
  8. Understanding data governance with open data: to understand how governmental and legal considerations underpin and influence open data, the role of in data spaces and why data governance can add value in the public and private sector.
  9. Including data in your communication: to learn how to communicate findings and research through data visualisations.
  10. Introducing data visualisation: to learn how to create data visualisations to tell a story.
  11. Inspiring through data visualisations: to learn how you can inspire others through data visualisation and explore different ways to create meaningful visuals.

In total, these courses offer 60 lessons and almost 200 learning materials such as videos, readings and e-learning, with regular updates. In the upcoming weeks, we will deep-dive into the lessons and learning materials per course.

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