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European data
Portalul oficial pentru date europene

Use Open Data to get to know the city!

Open Data and cycling

Over the years, bicycle touring has been becoming an increasingly popular alternative for tourists who are visiting different cities in Europe. More and more European cities offer bike rental services allowing tourists to discover the city in an environmental-friendly and healthy way. Open Data can provide a further stimulus to the use of bicycles in general and more specifically to bicycle tourism. For instance, the European Data Portal provides 255 search results for "bicycle" and offers a variety of datasets what can be used for the development of applications in this field

The Spanish city of Valencia for instance provides bicycling itineraries, showing cycling routes throughout the city. The city also provides information on public parking spots for bicycles, providing for instance information on the number of bicycles available for rent.



Also for other cities similar information can be found. This dataset for instance provides information about cycle hire locations in Nottingham, whereas this dataset provides information about cycling facilities in the Czech Republic, including data on dangerous crossings and light signalling equipment. This dataset shows the number of bicycles available for lending in Hamburg, Germany.

When cycling through a city, you may want to use Open Data applications. For instance, the application Kiss My Bike tracks your bicycle location in case the bicycle is stolen, and the application I Bike CPH helps you to find your way through Copenhagen.

Do you want to find out whether bicycle data is available for your city? Then take a look at the European Data Portal's catalogues and browse through the available datasets!