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Meet the final set of EU Datathon finalists!

Challenge 3: A Europe fit for the Digital Age

EU Datathon is an annual competition organised by the Publications Office of the EU. It invites people from all around the world to build applications based on EU open data. This year, nine teams have been shortlisted to compete in the finals. You have already been introduced to the teams for Challenge 1: ‘A European Green Deal’ and Challenge 2: 'An economy that works for people'. You will now discover the three teams that aim to tackle Challenge 3: ‘A Europe fit for the digital age’.

Democracy Game

Try your hand at politics with this virtual debating tool! With the purpose of engaging citizens in politics, this game will host virtual debates, competition, and polls like a social networking app. You will be able to create virtual clubs, enter a virtual “townhall”, discover EU datasets, take the floor and express your arguments, record your performance, and connect with peers. The app allows you to draft policies on various real-life topics in local and national government. The game encourages young people to speak up, inspires them to think critically, fight fake news, and be part of the decision-making processes of politics. 


As a citizen, you are often far removed from EU decision-making, and obtaining information on EU policies is difficult due to the multitude of institutional websites, official databases, and pages. TrackmyEU changes this by bringing EU decision-making closer to you. Their unified, accessible, and interactive platform puts user-friendliness at the core of its design philosophy. You will be able to find information on EU policies, and sort, rank, and filter this information based on your interests and preferences. For example, with the step-by-step legislative tracker, you can investigate which decisions the EU is taking on your behalf. By doing so, TrackmyEU aims to promote inclusive EU governance through open data.


Vision impairment is one of the most prevalent health conditions worldwide, affecting an increasing number of people. VisImE-360 offers a tool that helps allocate resources for corrections or medical aid. It will show the number of people that suffer from vision impairment and how much health care staff and medical resources are available for you. It will highlight the prevalence and available demographic patterns across EU countries, based on Eurostat data and scientific research studies. A wide set of indicators will help stakeholders to map vision impairment, draw comparisons between various countries, plan public health actions, and improve access to treatment.

Now the teams have a few months to work on their applications. They will pitch them to the jury at the finals of the competition in November, during the first-ever EU Open Data Days. Register now to this unique event and see which team wins the competition!

Curious to learn more? Discover all teams and apps via the EU Datathon website and follow updates on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook or via our newsletter.

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