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European data
Het officiële portaal voor Europese data

Voorbeelden van toepassingen

775 resultaten gevonden
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  • Landbouw, Visserij, Bosbouw & Voedsel
CIAT (International Centre for Tropical Agriculture) offers open data to anyone willing to conduct big data analytics in order to make farming more competitive, profitable, and resilient.
  • Regering & Openbare sector
The Open Data Institute (ODI) is a non-profit organisation that advocates for the innovative use of open data to affect positive change across the globe.
  • Gezondheid
The tracker is a not-for-profit initiative created to support the ongoing collection and editing of key coronavirus spread data in Slovenia.
  • Internationale kwesties
The Open Data Program from DigitalGlobe releases open imagery for select sudden onset major crisis events.
  • Wetenschap & Technologie
The dblp computer science bibliography provides open bibliographic information on major computer science journals and proceedings.
  • Transport
The Netherlands created a digital overview of all national road signs to increase road safety.
  • Regio's & steden
As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) created an interactive dashboard visualizing the latest data on cycling measures.
  • Regering & Openbare sector
The ePaństwo Foundation provides support to cities, communities, counties and public institutions that want to make their data publicly available for citizens.
  • Economie & Financiën
The Financial Times is tracking the most relevant economic indicators to provide early insights in the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic across countries.
  • Gezondheid
The COVID-19 News Map displays the headlines and snippets of the ten most recent COVID-19 related online published articles in their original language.