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Het officiële portaal voor Europese data

The EDP and SCDS Data Talks

Discover open data and data sharing initiatives and examples from Europe and beyond!

The European Data Portal (EDP) is collaborating with the Support Centre for Data Sharing (SCDS) in organising a series of sessions held every fortnight titled Data Talks. The sessions are created to learn more about open data and data sharing. In every session, an expert in the open data and data sharing space is invited to share their experience and expertise on a topic with the audience. During these sessions, an informal and open discussion is initiated in order to gain insights about different data-related topics. Everyone can join these online discussions, free of charge.

Upcoming Data Talks

The upcoming Data Talk sessions will be hosted on Microsoft Teams, shared on the EDP and SCDS channels and promoted on our social media. Join the session to learn more, and we look forward to seeing you there!

  1. EMT Madrid and e-mobility – with Alvaro Rodríguez López de Guereña from EMT Madrid on Wednesday 10 March at 11:00 CET.
  2. Data sharing for governmental organisations – with Piet van den Berg from RINIS on Wednesday 24 March at 11:00 CET.
  3. A non-EU perspective on EU regulatory activity – with Julia Reinhardt on Wednesday 31 March at 16:00 CET.

Previous Data Talks

All Data Talks sessions can be found on either the EDP or SCDS YouTube channel. Both channels also offer other videos providing insights in the world of open data and data sharing respectively. As of today, 11 November 2020, eleven Data Talk sessions were hosted and are live:

  1. Insights from data.overheid.nl – with insights into open data (re-)use in the Netherlands with the Dutch National Open Data Portal’s (data.overheid.nl) product owner Jelle Verburg. This session complements a Country Insights blog post that is similarly named.
  2. The Power of Data in the Everlasting Battle: Humanity vs. Virus – with selected writers behind the European Data Portal for COVID-19 Data Stories to share insights into the role of (open) data during COVID-19 and what we can learn to fight and prevent the next epidemic or pandemic.
  3. DataVaccinator – with Kurt Kammerer, the CEO and co-founder of regify GmbH, to discuss the DataVaccinator initiative and its role around data privacy and data security via industrial pseudonymisation.
  4. Women in ‘Data Aperti’ – with Francesca De Chiara, Giorgia Lodi and Maria Claudia Bodino sharing insights into open data in Italy, the interlinkages within the community and the challenges that open data is facing.
  5. Health and Data Sharing – discussing the value, potential and European perception of data sharing in the EU with Ismail Ismail.
  6. AI and Journalism – with Mathias-Felipe de Lima-Santos and Florencia Coelho from LA NACION in Argentina discussing how AI can be used to map the status of solar farms across the country.
  7. Bus Open Data Service (BODS) – with insights into BODS in the United Kingdom and how it links to the EC Multi-modal Travel Information Service programme with Meera Nayyar from the Department for Transport in the UK and Johan Herrlin, CEO of Ito World
  8. Asedie – with insights from Casey Abernethy into the non-profit industry association that advocates for the release of open data in Spain.  
  9. How to profit from open data – with Kateryna Onuiliogwu from the Ukrainian National Open Data Portal team, sharing insights into open data and data sharing in Ukraine. This session complements a Country Insights blog post that is similarly named.
  10. Drivers for Data Sharing – with insights into the EDP’s analytical report titled “From Regulation to Adoption: The Drivers of Data Sharing” with the report’s author Laia Pujol, a research at the Lisbon Council.
  11. eGovernment that works for the people – with Jochem Dogger and Roel Geilleit, two authors behind the eGovernment Benchmark 2020 report, discussing the methodology behind the study, findings and insights, and actionable recommendations for EU Member States to improve their digital governance.
  12. JournalismAI – with Mattia Peretti, project manager at the international journalism think-tank of the London School of Economics and Politics (LSE), discussing the potential offered by AI-powered technologies for community research reports, training materials, a network for best practices, and innovation sharing.
  13. Microsoft: Closing the data divide – with Jeremy Rollison, a Senior Director for EU Government Affairs at Microsoft. In this session, Jeremy discussed Microsoft’s Open Data Campaign and how open data and data sharing can help organisations realise the benefits of data and the technologies it powers.
  14. Data sharing in Agriculture – with Daniel Azevedo from Copa Cogeca, Director of Commodities and Trade, discussing the benefits that data sharing offers for every player along the value chain in agriculture.
  15. Open Data Maturity 2020 Report – with Laura van Knippenberg, the lead author of the report, discussing the main findings and its implications for the future.
  16. Recommended Contract Model Terms for Data Sharing – with Hans Graux from Timelex discussing the benefits of model clauses and how they benefit European digital policies.
  17. Insights into dati.gov.it – with Gabriele Ciasullo from The Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) discussing the recent developments of the Italian Open Data Portal.
  18. Statistics Estonia: Tree of Truth – with Mart Mägi from Statistics Estonia. We discussed the strategic monitoring tool “Tree of Truth” and its implications for local and national policy-making and society in general.
  19. Insights into the French National Open Data Portal (data.gouv.fr) – with Antonin Garrone from Etalab. Working at the organisation that manages the French open data portal Antonin shared his insights from the previous year and showcased their work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you have suggestions for topics to be discussed in the Data Talks or know of possible speakers, please contact us via our mail and follow us on TwitterFacebook or LinkedIn to stay tuned.