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Sign up for the SEMIC 2023 conference in Madrid

Do not miss the opportunity to learn about ‘Interoperable Europe in the age of AI’!

On Wednesday, 18 October, the European Commission together with the newly inaugurated Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, are organising this year’s Semantic Interoperability (SEMIC) conference. The conference, taking place in Madrid, will focus on ‘Interoperable Europe in the age of AI’. During the day, hundreds of professionals from the public, private and academic sectors come together to exchange knowledge and participate in a variety of discussions.

The development of AI continues its journey with new groundbreaking applications around every corner. The current generation of machine learning techniques allows automating certain tasks to make data more semantically meaningful to both humans and machines. At the same time, semantics can also be a steppingstone towards more accurate and ethical AI. However, investing in semantics has always been an obstacle due to the required level of expert intervention and niche technologies. The SEMIC conference perfectly demonstrates how both fields can leverage one another and can be applied jointly to foster public sector interoperability. 

‘Interoperable Europe in the age of AI’ sets the stage to discuss recent developments and synergies between interoperability, semantics and artificial intelligence. Throughout the conference, there are a variety of sessions on AI, trustworthy and qualitative data, law as a code, interconnecting data spaces and automated public services. Next to this, the latest advances on the Interoperable Europe Act Commission Proposal will be shared with participants on the day. Finally, the SEMIC 2023 conference provides the opportunity to network and meet experts from Europe and beyond.

Are you interested in attending? You can register here to join the insightful day in Madrid.

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