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Het officiële portaal voor Europese data

Rediscover our key publications and initiatives of 2023!

An overview of our cornerstone publications from the past 12 months

The data.europa.eu team extends its warmest wishes for a joyful and prosperous New Year!

In terms of open data, 2023 was a very exciting year. Throughout the year, several major reports and research articles were published. First, we had a significant number of publications related to the technical side of open data. For example, the “Report on Data Homogenisation for High-value Datasets”, focusing on a methodological approach to facilitate the identification and homogenisation of such datasets. We also addressed the topic of data spaces in our European Data Spaces and the Role of data.europa.eu report. This focuses on enabling the aggregation and collaborative sharing of data both within and between sectors in Europe, a key element of the European data strategy.

Although the technical side of data is interesting, creating value is another important aspect of the data.europa.eu portal. Hence, the “Assessment of the value of data and other types of assets in data.europa.eu” is worth mentioning. This report is the first in a series, enabling to assess the value of datasets by studying their presence on other platforms, tools and applications, and the related datasets and resources that enrich the original content. Furthermore, in addition to the presence of datasets, we published the “New Business Models for Data-Driven Services” report, focusing on the reuse of information generated by  both for-profit and not-for-profit organisations of the public sector.

Lastly, the “Geospatial trends 2023: Opportunities for data.europa.eu from emerging trends in the geospatial community” and Open Data Maturity 2023 reports are to be emphasised. The former report dives into the trends on how data.europa.eu can support and benefit from the new ways in which geospatial datasets are offered. Open Data Maturity 2023 provides an in-depth overview of how European countries are developing regarding the policy, impact, portal and quality dimensions. Another key aspect of our Open Data Maturity reports is the assessment of country best practices, enabling other countries to take benefit in their trajectory towards maturity.

In the coming year, data.europa.eu will continue to keep releasing insightful studies and publications relevant to open data. Stay tuned for Friday’s news item, as we will recap and look forward to our data.europa.eu academy sessions!

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