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New publication ‘Creating public sector value through the use of open data’

Discover the best techniques and insights on how to improve reuse of open data in the public sector

The recent publication from data.europa.eu, titledCreating public sector value through the use of open data’ aims to address the question of ‘how to foster open data value creation in the public sector?’. This is the final paper in a series on public institutions as reusers of open data. It reflects upon the results of a 1-year campaign regarding data reuse practices, highlighting the persistent barriers and providing recommendations on overcoming them.

The campaign was initiated based on insights provided in the paper  ‘Measuring Data Demand Within the Public Sector’, resulting in a series of community engagement activities on data.europa.eu. As part of this campaign, several blog posts were published on data.europa.eu, a data.europa academy webinar on ‘Data Demand and Re-use in the Public Sector’ was held and a focus group on how data is reused within the public sector was conducted. The analysis of these insights identified four important areas for improvement and put forth recommendations on how data.europa.eu can facilitate data reuse by public institutions across Europe.

The recommendations vary from how to raise awareness and improve communication with the use of examples to how policy and regulation activities need to align to better explore internal data needs. The paper also covers how data reuse by the public sector should be part of monitoring activities such as surveys and how pivotal is the role of data stewards in promoting data reuse.

Interested in learning more? Read the publication to explore all  the detailed analysis and improvement suggestions..

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