- Content:
- 8 lessons
- Format:
- Videos
- Theme:
- CommunicationImpactQuality
- Level:
- Beginner
- Audience:
- Academia, Civil servants, Data providers, Journalists, Non-governmental organisations, Private sector
Looking to improve your data visualisation and inspire your audience? This course will help you rethink how you can inspire others through data visualisation and motivate you to explore different ways to create meaningful visuals. Our videos showcase how data visualisation can be used to illustrate data on topics such as music, art, COVID-19, finance, environment, and economy, in a fun and critical way.
There are several ways to use algorithms and machine learning to create data visualisation. In his webinar, Andreas Refsgaard shows that they can be used to enable people to play music using only their eye movement and facial gestures, to control games by making silly sounds, or transform drawings of musical instruments on paper into real compositions.
- Theme:
- CommunicationQuality
Data visualisation can be used to pay tribute to cultural masterpieces. In his webinar, Matteo Bonera shows how an innovative data visualisation instrument was designed to explore Leonardo da Vinci’s greatest masterpieces in a novel way in commemoration of the 500-year anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death. Watch the video and discover how Matteo pushed creative boundaries to celebrate art.
- Theme:
- Impact
Data and key findings can be lost in lengthy news pieces and reports. In this webinar, Rafael Höhr shares a global perspective on the evolution of graphics that are being used to visualise news and reports. You’ll see the type of software and hardware used to create the data visualisation and learn how users influence the design of graphics and why.
- Theme:
- Impact
COVID-19 has shaken the world since 2020 and its impact is still being felt today. Our videos showcase how COVID-19 data can be used to improve our quality of life going forward. In this lesson, we showcase open data on how COVID-19 has impacted air quality and lessons learned, its role in the media and data monitoring, European countries responses and long-term impacts, and available datasets from Eurofound and the European Centre for Disease Prevent and Control.
- Theme:
- Impact
Curious to know more about open financial data? Our videos showcase what types of open financial data are available and how they can support in the creation or update of products and services. In this lesson, you’ll dive into available open financial data across Europe from public institutions such as Eurostat, the European Investment Bank, the European Central Bank, and the World Bank.
- Theme:
- Impact
Interested in open environmental data and how they can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals or the EU Green Deal? Our videos showcase what types of open environmental data are available and how they can support public and private sectors reach their sustainability goals. In this lesson, you’ll dive into available open environmental data from EU public institutions such as the European Environment Agency, the European Food Safety Authority, and the European Environment Agency.
- Theme:
- Impact
Want examples of how open data can foster innovation and support the European economy? Our videos showcase the different types of open data that can be used and visualised to facilitate development and tackle challenges across Europe. In this lesson, you’ll see how open data can support EU public procurement, identify challenges and opportunities in the market, and highlight key statistics and development points.
- Theme:
- Impact
Want to go a step beyond data visualisation and connect with your audience? In this webinar, Federica Fragapane shares her process behind creating data visualisations and delves into the relationship between the design and the target audience. You’ll see how she elaborates on the design phase to connect with people and why experimentation is important in the creative process.
- Theme:
- Impact