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Il-portal uffiċjali għad-data Ewropea

Każijiet ta’ Użu

Instabu 775 riżultat
Skip results of view Każijiet ta’ Użu
  • Trasport

An application that provides information on clean transportation services and indicates peak traffic congestions with links to green transportation services.

  • Ambjent

An application that monitors environmental issues by using state information and real time data.

  • Trasport

A website that provides a cross-border mobility planner that combines different transport companies and tolls.

  • Reġjuni u bliet

Helps organisations to build a data driven geo-ecosystem.

  • Ambjent

The Official Air Quality Cyprus mobile application provides live air quality data from all over Cyprus.

  • Edukazzjoni, kultura u sport

City of Nicosia is the official tourist guide to Nicosia.

  • Reġjuni u bliet

Helps governmental organisations to publish high-quality Open Data.

  • Agrikoltura, sajd, forestrija u ikel

The website visualises all available data on parcel level in the Netherlands.

  • Popolazzjoni u soċjetà

Data Ninja is a skill-based hub bringing together professionals and creatives sharing a common goal: to build real connections between data and people.