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European data
Il-portal uffiċjali għad-data Ewropea
Instabu 910 riżultat
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  • Trasport
The Netherlands created a digital overview of all national road signs to increase road safety.
  • Reġjuni u bliet
As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) created an interactive dashboard visualizing the latest data on cycling measures.
  • Gvern u settur pubbliku
The ePaństwo Foundation provides support to cities, communities, counties and public institutions that want to make their data publicly available for citizens.
  • Ekonomija u finanzi
The Financial Times is tracking the most relevant economic indicators to provide early insights in the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic across countries.

Din l-app, għalissa disponibbli bil-Grieg biss, tislet u tipproċessa d-data mis-Sistema ta’ Skambju ta’ Informazzjoni dwar il-VAT (VIES) u mill-portal Grieg “DIAVGEIA”( Għandek bżonn konnessjoni tal-internet għall-ipproċessar tad-data. (Jekk m’hemmx konnessjoni, l-utenti jistgħu jdaħħlu d-data mitluba li mbagħad tiġi pproċessata hekk kif ikun hemm konnessjoni tal-internet.)

L-applikazzjoni rebħet it-3 post fil-Hackathon dwar l-Awditjar li sar fi Praga fl-2020. L-applikazzjoni tagħti l-possibbiltà ta’ paragun internazzjonali ta’ awditi fil-proċess ta’ preparazzjoni jew implimentazzjoni fuq il-bażi ta’ informazzjoni mill-pjanijiet tal-awditi tal-istituzzjonijiet supremi tal-awditjar (SAIs).
  • Saħħa
The COVID-19 News Map displays the headlines and snippets of the ten most recent COVID-19 related online published articles in their original language.
  • Popolazzjoni u soċjetà
Eurofound published the results of an e-survey - Living, working and COVID-19 – which captures the impact in people’s work-life balance during the pandemic.
  • Trasport
The Social Distancing Dashboard created by the TU Delft offers city maps that show if the 1.5-meter social distance rule can be respected when walking in public spaces.
  • Saħħa
In context of the COVID-19 crisis the European Commission made several European standards for certain medical devices and personal protective equipment openly available.