Newsletter - July 2024 |
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Newsletter - July 2024

Newsletter - July 2024
The official portal for European Data

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Save the date for EU Open Data Days 2025 & Call for proposals!

The Publications Office of the European Union is thrilled to announce the 2025 edition of EU Open Data Days, scheduled for 19-20 March 2025 at the European Conference Centre in Luxembourg. The event promotes harnessing open data's power and brings together data providers, enthusiasts, and re-users from Europe and beyond. We invite interested speakers to share their insights, contributing to an inspiring conference programme.

Date 19 - 20/03/2025
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Empowering communities through EU resources

Join us at the European Week of Regions and Cities and learn how the EU resources can strengthen civic engagement and boost democratic participation. Visit our stand (Publications Office of the EU) and discover how EU regions can benefit from, and the Learning Corner. Register now for the event and see you in October!

Date 07 - 10/10/2024
Registration Register here
From high-value datasets to reusing data in practice: Discover our June webinars

Have you missed any of our June webinars? Over 1 000 participants joined data.europa Academy to uncover the practical uses of open data. From high-value datasets to innovative data visualisations by the EMCDDA, and impactful stories from the Use Case Observatory, there's much to catch up on. Intrigued? Read more to access the recordings and detailed insights!

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Report: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Processing and Generating New Data

How is artificial intelligence (AI) reshaping our world? Our latest research report, ‘The role of artificial intelligence in processing and generating new data’ delves into the policy and legal challenges of AI implementation, including the EU's AI Act. Learn how these developments could impact you and your organisation.

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Data story: Exploring hydrogen trough open data

Hydrogen, the simplest and most abundant element, is also a versatile energy source. Our new data story reveals how hydrogen is used across different sectors and countries in Europe, highlighting its potential for the European Green Deal under the EU’s Hydrogen strategy. Discover the landscape of hydrogen in Europe through open data.

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News and highlights
EURO2024: Where football meets data-driven strategy

How does open football data revolutionise fan engagement and team strategies? From EURO2024 to Liverpool FC, discover how data analytics is changing the game by enhancing scouting and tactical insights. Read our feature on the transformative impact of open data in football. Click to learn more!

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GovTech in Europe: How technology advancements lead to interoperability

How is government technology (GovTech) shaping public services? The GovTech Connect project fosters a collaborative community where innovative ideas shape the future of public services through technology. Our latest article explores how this collaboration is enhancing interoperability. Click to read more about this dynamic intersection of technology and governance!

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Discover our portal’s apps: Useful tools to enhance the accessibility of open data

Are you taking full advantage of what open data has to offer? At, we offer a variety of open data applications designed to enhance your projects, from data visualisation to innovative solutions. Find out more about how these apps can serve your needs in our latest article. Click to read more about their unique functionalities!

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ISSN: 2811-776X OA-BQ-24-007-EN-Q