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European data
Il-portal uffiċjali għad-data Ewropea

Let’s look back at our 2023 academy highlights!

If you found this year insightful, stay tuned for what 2024 has to offer

In 2023, the data.europa academy curated over 20 dynamic webinars, fostering engagement among researchers, students, data providers, and organisations. Our sessions covered  a wide variety of topics, from automatic publishing to the introduction of data spaces.

The academy focuses on sharing best practices, ensuring all countries reap the benefits of  in using, finding, and publishing datasets. A notable mention is the lesson ‘Measuring the impact of open data’, enriched by the comprehensive  Open Data Maturity webinar series. During these webinars, each session focused on a single dimension, policy, impact, portal and quality. Countries performing well in the assessment or showing significant improvements were invited to share best practices, inspiring others to continue their journey towards data maturity. Further valuable insights came from the Stories from the Use Case Observatory, showcasing the real-life impact by observing how open data is used by different organisations.

This year, our agenda promises a series of highly relevant trainings! Expect specialised webinars delving into the legal side of datasets, and additional sessions focusing on best practices, data spaces, open data maturity and use cases. Additionally, following the success of our first workshop  dedicated to students, we plan to organise more workshops this year. We kick-off the year with interesting  panel discussions on the increasing role of Artificial Intelligence in data processing and generation, scheduled for January 19th, January 26th and February 2nd. Register to our first session promptly to join the discussion!

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