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Discover the open data dashboard for crisis repair

An initiative by REACT-EU

Europe is dedicated to rebuild together from the COVID-19 crisis. To support the recovery and facilitate a green and digital transition of the economy, the EU allocates €50.6 billion.

You can discover how these funds are allocated in this interactive dashboard. It shows the current allocated funding amounts per country in 2021, and in the future. Created with open data, the dashboard allows you to filter on Member States or the type of EU fund. Apart from monitoring how funds are allocated, you can also track the planned investments for a green and digital economy by searching for keywords such as “intelligent energy systems”. 

The dashboard is provided by the Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU) fund, which is part of the plan for European recovery: NextGenerationEU

Have a look at the dashboard to learn more!

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