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Discover the insights of our webinar ‘Personal data management and altruism: how and when are individuals empowered to make data sharing decisions?’

Empowering individuals in the digital age

On 12 April 2024, from 10.00 to 11.30 CET, the Data.europa Academy hosted the webinar ‘Personal data management and altruism: how and when are individuals empowered to make data sharing decisions?’, concluding a series on the  Data Governance Act (DGA). The first session delved into the DGA's legal framework, aiming to enhance data sharing in a secure and granular way, and explored the contrasts with the Open Data Directive. Over 500 people registered for this second session, which highlighted how the DGA introduces new ways for individuals to control and share their data, aligning with the Open Data Directive.

Speakers from MyData Global and Datalog enriched the discussion on personal data management and data altruism. MyData Global, with its vast network of signatories, shed light on personal data management platforms that champion individual rights and offer insights into the nuanced challenges and use cases of personalised data sharing. Datalog, the first EU-registered data altruism service provider under the DGA, brought to the table expected benefits of data altruism, outlining the socio-economic value, and addressing EU-level challenges.

The session offered a deep dive into data intermediation services, designed to uphold strict privacy while managing personal data, and the concept of data altruism, encouraging individuals to contribute their data for the greater good, particularly in areas like healthcare and environmental protection. Participants left with a richer understanding of the DGA's implications for data sharing practices, including enhanced transparency and control.

We express our gratitude to our engaged audience, esteemed speakers, and contributors. To learn more about the insights of this webinar, you can watch the recording and consult the slides on Data.europa Academy.

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