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![EU Datathon 2022 - dashboard with submissions](/sites/default/files/news/EU-Datathon-dashboard.png)
The deadline to submit proposals for applications using open data from data.europa.eu closed on 31 March 2022. We are pleased to announce that we received a record 156 proposals to address this year´s challenges! Overview The proposals came from 121 teams, from 38 countries. The challenge ‘A Europe fit for the digital age’ attracted highest number of app proposals (59). It was followed by the challenge ‘European Green Deal’ (47). The two other public procurement challenges using ted.europa.eu together collected 50 proposals, broken down into: Transparency in public procurement (26) EU
![Recording of the webinar “Data Demand and Re-use in the Public Sector" already available!](/sites/default/files/news/Academy_Webinar3-DEU.png)
Following the discussion paper on “ Measuring data demand within the public sector”, the data.europa academy webinar aimed to introduce the importance of open data demand and re-use in the public sector. You can now watch the recording of the session. After an introduction of the discussion paper by Charlotte van Ooijen, associate director and researcher at the Lisbon Council, two experts from practice and academia, Frederika Welle Donker and Antonin Garrone, presented best practices of assessing data demand and reflected on the impact on open data supply in a moderated discussion session
![Open data to inform about the situation in Ukraine](/sites/default/files/news/Ukraine-EU.png)
Millions of people affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have fled the country. In this crisis, providing reliable information is key to manage humanitarian aid and collect evidence to support the country. Monitoring the movement of refugees from Ukraine to other countries in Europe helps governments to make the necessary strategic decisions based on factual data. Since the beginning of the war, data.europa.eu joined the initiative and provides the central access point to information from national and supranational data portals on the effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Information at
Sankcijas ir galvenie instrumenti, ar kuru palīdzību ES var iejaukties, lai novērstu konfliktus vai reaģētu uz pašreizējām krīzēm. ES sankciju karte ļauj sekot līdzi visiem nesodošiem ierobežojumiem, ko ES ir piemērojusi valstīm ārpus Eiropas, tostarp aktīvu iesaldēšanai, ieroču embargo vai ieceļošanas ierobežojumiem. Pašlaik ES ir vairāk nekā 40 dažādu sankciju režīmu, no kuriem dažus ir pilnvarojusi ANO Drošības padome, bet citus autonomi pieņem ES. Starp pēdējiem minētajiem pasākumiem ir arī ierobežojošie pasākumi, ņemot vērā Krievijas iebrukumu Ukrainā. ES sankciju kartē ir sniegta
Uz 19 martā 2022 , Hackathon4Ukraine, kodēšanas notikums, izaicinošs datu entuziasti no visas pasaules, lai izstrādātu lietotnes, lai palīdzētu Ukrainas iedzīvotājiem, kurus ietekmē Krievijas iebrukums. Šo iniciatīvu organizēja programmētāju un studentu grupa no Varšavas Tehnoloģiju universitātes un Londonas Imperiālās koledžas. Ar profesionālu programmētāju atbalstu dalībnieki 24 stundu laikā izstrādāja mobilās vai tīmekļa lietojumprogrammas. Lai atvieglotu ietekmīgu risinājumu radīšanu, visā pasākumā piedalījās brīvprātīgie, kas nodarbojas ar problēmām Ukrainā, daloties savās atziņās par
![Join the data.europa academy webinar on real-time data](/sites/default/files/news/Real-time%20data%20webinar_DEU.png)
What is real-time data and why is it a valuable source of information? Join the data.europa academy ’s webinar “Real-Time Data” on Tuesday 5 April from 10:00 – 11:30 AM CET. The webinar will be facilitated by Simon Jirka, Managing Director at 52°North Spatial Information Research GmbH . He will present the status of real-time data on data.europa.eu and provide concrete examples of real-time data in traffic information or natural hazards monitoring as well as an overview of relevant standards, APIs, and technologies. Participants will be invited to share their ideas on relevant technologies
![Discover the data.europa academy webinar on open data best practices](/sites/default/files/news/Academy_Webinar2-DEU.png)
Watch the recording of the latest data.europa academy webinar to l earn more about Estonian and Slovenian open data success stories. In this session, national representatives of the open data team from Estonia ( Sigrit Siht , Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications) and Slovenia (Ales Versic , Office for Digital Transformation) share their knowledge and experience in steering the development of open data in their countries. As top performers in the 2021 Open Data Maturity assessment , Estonia and Slovenia were selected to be part of the 2022 report Open Data Best Practices in Europe
![UNHCR Operational data portal](/sites/default/files/news/News%20ODP.png)
In 2011, UNHCR – the United Nations Refugee Agency - set up the Operational Data Portal as information and data sharing platform to facilitate coordination of refugee emergencies. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the portal provide s daily updates on the number of Ukrainians fleeing the country and support the provision of humanitarian aid. At the moment of writing , more than 3 million refugees have already fled Ukraine and crossed border s into neighbouring countries of Poland, Romania, Republic of Moldova, Hungary, Russian Federation, Slovakia, and Belarus
![Celebrating Open Data Day](/sites/default/files/news/opendataday_0.png)
Open Data Day is an annual, global celebration of open data. The event looks to promote the benefits of open data and showcase its use to improve government, business, and civil society. This year, events were organised around the world, with 33 of the 153 registered events taking place in Europe. In the Danish city of Odense, for example, enthusiasts held an online event about how to best map the cycling infrastructure in Denmark. Denmark has plenty of incentives to develop cycling data. The country is hosting the first three stages of the 2022 Tour de France, and the government has also
![This visual shows multi-coloured data cubes running along a race track to the finishing line. Overhead is the title 'EU Datathon '22'. The finale event date 20 October 2022 is also given.The EU flag is top-right.](/sites/default/files/news/Datathon2022_Editorial%20_Runners.png)
Every year, EU Datathon calls for innovators from around the world to come up with new ways of using open data to address important societal and environmental challenges, with the condition that they use at least one of the thousands of data sets published on data.europa.eu. Over the five years of its existence, the competition has generated dozens of practical apps and propelled new start-up enterprises. This year´s edition of EU Datathon is now open for submissions of ideas. Here are five reasons to join in. Get international visibility for your innovative ideas: EU Datathon and its