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European data
Oficialus Europos duomenų portalas

Naudojimo atvejai

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Skip results of view Naudojimo atvejai
  • Vyriausybė ir viešasis sektorius

Website of the BKK that makes transport data available in GTFS format for everyone to re-use

  • Vyriausybė ir viešasis sektorius

Website of CITA, the organisation responsible for traffic monitoring with real-time data and live streams.

  • Švietimas, kultūra ir sportas

Mobile application that shows the main places of interest and events nearby in the city of Kaunas.

  • Ekonomika ir finansai

Website that offers the possibility to compare companies in terms of salary and number of employees.

  • Mokslas ir technologijos

Website that shows an interactive map visualizing the locations of contamination by the Swiss army.

  • Švietimas, kultūra ir sportas

Mobile application that provides information about beaches and marine waters of Cyprus.

  • Sveikata

Mobile application that shows information of medical institutions, pharmacies and drugs.

  • Vyriausybė ir viešasis sektorius

Website providing detailed information on urban transport, schedules, routes, parking and more.

  • Vyriausybė ir viešasis sektorius

Publication of geospatial data in the form of an up-to-date basemap.

  • Vyriausybė ir viešasis sektorius

Mobile application that shows real-estate transaction near the location of the user.