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European data
Oficialus Europos duomenų portalas

Naudojimo atvejai

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  • Regionai ir miestai

This app shows bicycle lanes, public parking racks and bike-sharing stations in Bologna

  • Ekonomika ir finansai

Inspirient offers a novel way to derive insight from business data. The system automatically analyses the datasets and presents users with a selection of derived insights in form of understandable visuals.

  • Ekonomika ir finansai

Idalab is data science consultancy uses advanced analytics customised AI algorithms and mathematical models to build powerful data tools, that help businesses develop more comprehensive strategies.

  • Vyriausybė ir viešasis sektorius

LG Inform strengthens the knowledge position of local government.

  • Regionai ir miestai

Get The Data structure Open Data in the United Kingdom by location in order to aid dataset discovery and signpost the source.

  • Aplinka

GECOsistema is a specialist company providing advanced consulting/engineering and modeling services in the fields of water, energy, climate change and natural hazard management

  • Ekonomika ir finansai

The OpenSpending platform allows you to search, visualise and analyse fiscal data in the public sphere

  • Sveikata

Medicatio seeks to publish data on all available drugs in France

  • Teisingumas, teisės sistema ir visuomenės sauga

An interactive map showing the percentage of people being prosecuted for gambling violations, depending on municipality regulations and gambling allowance

  • Gyventojų skaičius ir visuomenė

This Eurostat tool enables people aged 16-29 to compare themselves with other young men and women in their country