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Naudojimo atvejai

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  • Žemės ūkis, žuvininkystė, miškininkystė ir maistas

M-farm allows farmers to receive real-time information on prices for their crops. This prevents middlemen and traders from taking advantage of farmers and offering them unfair prices.

  • Regionai ir miestai

HomeShow is a website that real estate agents can use to sell property. The website and application uses open data to automatically create a website for a home that is for sale and adds relevant information about the neighbourhood, such as shops, facilities and population statistics.

  • Ekonomika ir finansai
Clicpiso is a company that combines public and private data to simplify and optimise the large chains of processes involved in buying and selling second-hand homes.
  • Transportas

Tesco is able to predict customer purchasing behavior based on weather data.

  • Ekonomika ir finansai

Urban Data Analytics is a digital company that uses national and local open data portals to provide 190 indicators focused on Real Estate and to facilitate instant knowledge of both the real estate market and a specific real estate portfolio of a company.

  • Aplinka

Trinkwasser shares information regarding tap water in Germany because tap water within Germany can differ in composition depending on the region. Trinkwasser consolidates all the municipal data on water quality and makes it understandable for the consumer.

  • Vyriausybė ir viešasis sektorius

Pulse Lab Jakarta is an innovation lab that creates new methods and tools to support data driven decision-making to improve responsiveness of the government. They use open data and social research insights to understand the complex environment the company works in. Pulse Lab Jakarta has gotten results in food prices, climate change vulnerability and help in disaster response.

Minotour is an application developed for tourists in the southern part of France. The app gives tourist recommendations based on local content and previous places they have been to.

  • Mokslas ir technologijos

Lostium project is a company that uses national and local open data portals to develop applications and digital tools to make people's lives easier. Their applications show information about places such as beaches, public places and monuments.

  • Ekonomika ir finansai

Informa D&B is a company that uses financial data from different sources, such as Official State Gazette and Public Sector Contracting Platforms, to offer users business reports, integration tools and geo-marketing application to improve business results.