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OpenRaadsinformatie is an online application that provides users with access to public meeting, items on the agenda, motions and documents on various Dutch municipalities and administrations of provinces. Created by the coalition of Dutch municipalities and the Open State Foundation, OpenRaadsinformatie acts as a central point of access to government data and documents, and is utilised by several other applications.
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The Flooding Risk Map (Wateroverlastlandschapskaart: WOLK) provides an overview of drainage systems and areas at risk of flooding in the case of heavy precipitation. This can cause traffic jams and blockages, as well as water damage to buildings. WOLK helps prevent this by visualising the data on a map, where solutions are needed for the municipality of Assen.
  • Transportas
Mobilux is a free mobile application that allows users to subscribe to real-time alerts for traffic and weather information. The application is connected to an open data streaming service and available for several mobile devices.
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Meng Loft is the official air quality application of the Environment Agency in Luxembourg for mobile devices. The application makes it possible to check actual and historical trends, and monitor the main pollutants such as ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and particulate matter (PM10).
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Open Court is a website designed to provide information such as the average number of cases a given court handles, the time a case lasts, the court workload, the average budget, and the experience of judges working in court. The website covers 49 courts in Lithuania, including the district courts, the district administrative courts, the Supreme Administrative Court, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court.
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MTender is a website created by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova and provides electronic public procurement records to increase efficiency of spending, and contribute to transparency of the state’s budget. As a digital service, it shortens the time between procurement planning and payment, as well as the time for tenders, and waiting times for suppliers and contractors.
  • Sveikata
The Transparency Portal aggregates health data from various entities across Portugal and makes these datasets available to the public. It aims to create transparency and increase efficiency in the national health service (NHS) and enable access to high-quality health data for institutions, citizens, and health professionals.
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The Environmental Atlas (Atlas Okolja) is a map-interface of Slovenia that presents data of various indicators that measure the: Environment, such as water quality, or flooding risk areas; Climate, for instance temperatures, sunshine, and wind; and Land and oil usage, or seismological risk areas.

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