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Naudojimo atvejai

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  • Švietimas, kultūra ir sportas

France Explorateurs is an interactive application that acts as a game for users to discover exceptional tourist sites in France. Through the application, users can collect badges while visiting several sites. Users can gain points with badges and give their opinion about visiting the cultural sites. A possible future feature of the application could be to connect it to the European Heritage sites. These sites are normally closed for the public but are open during the European Heritage days (usually in September every year). Connecting the application with the European Heritage Days could

  • Transportas

Carbrain develops stand-alone devices for cars to 'make evert car a smart car'. Two platforms are developed with the use of Artificial Intelligence, namely Deep Advanced Vision Integrated Systems and Voice Interface Natural Computing Environment. The first platform uses computer vision to power automated object recognition, object tracking, and vision analytics with the aim of reducing road traffic accidents. The second platform transforms your voice interactions with responsive outcomes, which takes out the need of touching your phone.

  • Regionai ir miestai

Trulia provides detailed insights into neighbourhoods for people that might be interested in moving there. Going beyond the typical listings, by sourcing insights straight from locals, users can get a deeper understanding of what living in a home and neighbourhood is like.

  • Regionai ir miestai

The National Address Base provides data on each address listed in the French territory. This data can freely be used and is intended to support emergency services, people who carry out a cartographic analysis, and public and private operators. The data is updated on a weekly basis.

  • Gyventojų skaičius ir visuomenė

Swisscom Open Data provides developers with anonymous data from its areas of activity, to promote innovation. The website contains 39 datasets from four areas - communication, mobility, network and plants. Via the use of filters, such as year and topic, users can find the datasets of interest.

  • Gyventojų skaičius ir visuomenė

On the website of the city of Mannheim people can explore statistics on the city's population, such as the distribution of child names, election results and the population in terms of e.g. gender and living area. Furthermore, information such as street names and locations of containers is published.

  • Aplinka

Protected Urban Planet is a tool developed to enable protected urban areas worldwide to be watched by experts and non-experts. The aim is to bring global, national and local contributions to heritage management together and thus, improve sustainability.

  • Žemės ūkis, žuvininkystė, miškininkystė ir maistas

The MIT Media Lab Open Agriculture Initiative (OpenAg) is a platform that fosters the creation of an open-source ecosystem of technologies, bringing together partners from industry, government, and academia to create collaborative tools and communities.

  • Sveikata

With HDScores users can look for the calculated health inspection scores of restaurants and other food-serving establishments, such as schools, nurseries, hospitals, stadiums etc. The calculated score is between 0% and 100% (the closer to 100% the cleaner the place is) and includes the scores from all previous health inspections.

  • Aplinka

With an interactive dashboard and API, cities and companies can access high-resolution environmental data. Using this real-time data, air quality is made visible throughout the city, hotspots can be identified and effective measures to improve air quality are proposed.