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Naudojimo atvejai

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  • Transportas
Mobike is a bike share rental company. Mobike rents out bikes through the use of an application.
  • Vyriausybė ir viešasis sektorius
The Smart Emission project is a research project executed by a consortium of Dutch knowledge institutes, government, (ICT- and sensor) companies together with citizens in the city of Nijmegen.
  • Švietimas, kultūra ir sportas
Stats Perform brings data on sports research, news and video content, and AI-powered solutions.
  • Švietimas, kultūra ir sportas
The Open Art Fair lets visitors look at pictures of art and wander around the digital art fair through different rooms.
  • Transportas
Velib Metropole is a bike share rental company. The company rents out bikes through the use of an application.
  • Transportas
Bird is a transportation company that supplies e-steps, that can be rented and paid for by users with a mobile application.
  • Ekonomika ir finansai
Started as an alliance of advisory firms in the Baltic States, and headquartered in Estonia, CIVITTA is now the leading management consultancy from Central Eastern Europe.
  • Ekonomika ir finansai
Datagraver started in 2014 and is part of Itude, an IT service provider. Datagraver provides data insights to its clients with a focus on Population and Society data.
  • Vyriausybė ir viešasis sektorius
Desidedatum is a consulting company that gives public administrations and firms the necessary tools and knowledge for processes optimization and cost and time savings.
  • Transportas
Felyx is a transportation company that supplies e-scooters, that can be rented and paid for by users with a mobile application.