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Discover the data.europa academy: Third course ‘Incorporating open data into your application’

Learn what is covered in the third data.europa academy course on using open data to create or enhance applications

The restructured data.europa academy offers its third course, ‘Incorporating open data into your application’, where you can learn how to use open data to create or enhance applications. Whether you are beginner or advanced, you can discover how to find hidden data on the web, how to use it and achieve open data interoperability across Europe.

The course covers seven lessons, starting with an e-learning ‘Finding hidden data on the web’, which explains how to locate and obtain hidden data and assess its benefits and value. Following that, the ‘5 Stars of linked open data’ method used to assess the functionality of open data will be explained in the lesson ‘The usefulness of data – the stars of linked open data’. The third lesson ‘Geospatial data and API delivery’ focuses on geospatial data, emerging trends and opportunities. Delving deeper into this topic, the fourth lesson ‘Real-time Data’ covers where to find real-time geospatial data, relevant interoperability standards and their impact on the publication and use of data.

A common language is necessary to achieve open data interoperability across Europe. Therefore, it is important to understand how to create metadata in accordance with the language DCAT and DCAT-AP. This is covered in the fifth lesson ‘DCAT and DCAT-AP: Achieving interoperability through data modelling and standardisation’. The following lesson ‘Unlocking the benefits of open data with’ guides you in exploring the potential of for your work and acquiring the skills to publish and promote open data on the portal. Lastly, you will learn how to search for data using the SPARQL Knowledge Graph in the lesson ‘Searching data with SPARQL’.

Are you a developer or working in the field and looking to use open data in your application? Follow this third data.europa academy course and explore the full potential of open data!  

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