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European data
Il portale ufficiale dei dati europei

Casi d'uso

775 risultati trovati
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  • Popolazione e società
Eurofound published the results of an e-survey - Living, working and COVID-19 – which captures the impact in people’s work-life balance during the pandemic.
  • Trasporti
The Social Distancing Dashboard created by the TU Delft offers city maps that show if the 1.5-meter social distance rule can be respected when walking in public spaces.
  • Salute
In context of the COVID-19 crisis the European Commission made several European standards for certain medical devices and personal protective equipment openly available.
  • Salute
The index is a comprehensive assessment of the preparation for epidemics and pandemics for 195 countries.
  • Istruzione, cultura & sport
UNESCO created a dashboard that visualised the global impact of school closures as response to COVID-19.
  • Governo e settore pubblico
The IMF created a policy tracker which summarizes the key economic responses that govern ments are taking to limit the human and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Regioni e città
The start-up Monitor.Estate analyses legal risks in the Ukrainian primary real estate market with the use of open data.
  • Giustizia, sistema legale e pubblica sicurezza
Sud na Doloni is a Ukrainian start-up that has launched an analytical service that lets users search, review and visualise court decisions.
  • Giustizia, sistema legale e pubblica sicurezza
Shtrafy is a Ukrainian start-up that has launched a mobile application service that lets users check the status of their traffic tickets and pay them.
  • Governo e settore pubblico
Nazar City Bot is a Mariupol-based start-up that creates open data-based services for local government agencies.