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Casi d'uso

775 risultati trovati
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  • Scienza e tecnologia
Geograma is a GIS services provider. They provide services of GIS app development, geo information projects, topographic and cartographic services, consulting and technical assistance, geographic services, internet geographic services, and GIS technology supply. The company offers services for public administrations in the domains security, defense, civil emergency and natural environment, and for private organisations in telecommunications, logistics, banking, and insurance.
  • Scienza e tecnologia
Nologin Consulting is a company that collaborates with other businesses around the world to store, manage, organize, protect and maintain their client ´s information It specializes in Cloud, Cybersecurity, Identity and Datacenter projects.
  • Giustizia, sistema legale e pubblica sicurezza
Papelea solves legal and administrative doubts and questions of the users by collecting and improving thousands of public information websites of Spain and Mexico. In addition, Papelea connects users with professionals in each legal field, so that they can answer their questions and offer them their services.
  • Scienza e tecnologia
Ártabro Tech is a technology consulting company that helps companies with data treatment and in using artificial intelligence. Ártabro offers products such as Ártabro Tender for monitoring public competition tenders, or tools for technological surveillance including automatic text tagging, natural language processing, as well as various customised consulting services for Industry 4.0 and business intelligence solutions.
  • Regioni e città
Bäderampel (Bathroom Traffic Light) provides an overview of public pools and the current occupancy. As of the summer of 2020 and measures taken in response to the pandemic, the number of available spots in public pools has been limited, Bäderampel therefore shows where spots are still available.
  • Ambiente
The Barcelona Waste Map is an interactive map showing the location of oil recycling bins in the city. This helps citizens to locate them, dispose of their litter at the allocated containers, and keep the city clean. The website in created with OpenStreetMap and Carto. This is one example of a private individual who has created several maps for cities in Spain, most of which visualise population data.
  • Economia e finanza
Bilancio Aperto (Open Budget) makes state budget information accessible to the public, thereby increasing transparency of government spending and improving accountability. The application is designed for civil servants, parliamentarians, and citizens and provides access to revenues, expenses, balances, statement of accounts, the current budget, and budget laws.
  • Economia e finanza
Statistics Estonia provides several visualisations of economic figures for Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Germany, the Russian Federation, Latvia, and Lithuania. On the website, several graphs show actuals and trends of export and import products, trade balances, the destination and shipping countries of products.
  • Regioni e città is the regional platform for publishing open data and sharing data and services in the Brussels region. This platform is designed for data producers and users and facilitates and promotes the re-use of data and services. Users of are free to browse the portal, search, and consult the various data and web services.
  • Ambiente
IrCELine is an air quality checker for Belgium. The website provides actual figures as well as forecasts of the levels of nitrogen-dioxide, and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10). In addition, a map overview classifies the current levels as very good, good, poor, or bad.