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Navigating new horizons: Copernicus and the global pursuit of scientific advancement

Revolutionising Earth observation for a sustainable future

Copernicus is the Earth observation arm of the European Union's Space programme. It plays an important role in advancing modern science, focusing on enhancing the lives of citizens. This impact extends not only to Europe but also around the globe. Managed by the European Commission and in collaboration with various partners including ESA and EUMETSAT, Copernicus harnesses data from satellites and ground-based systems to provide valuable information services. This initiative, named after Nicolaus Copernicus, the European scientist who revolutionised our understanding of the cosmos, embodies a spirit of discovery and exploration. 

Among the array of services offered by Copernicus are modern solutions such as the Ocean Plastic Alert & Tracking system and the Mediterranean Heat Waves Monitoring Service. The former, developed by Geomatys in partnership with Copernicus Marine, system utilises geospatial images and advanced algorithms to pinpoint the location of marine plastic waste, aiding proactive coastal management. By anticipating the arrival of plastic debris on beaches, it enables timely interventions to mitigate environmental impact.

Meanwhile, the Mediterranean Heat Waves Monitoring Service offers daily and historical insights into Marine Heat Waves (MHW) intensity and extent in the Mediterranean Sea, utilising Copernicus data. Through analysis starting from 1982, it computes MHWs against a baseline, removing temporal trends to study extreme values across the sea's grid points. 

Copernicus exemplifies the significance of scientific collaboration and innovation, showcasing the transformative potential of open data. Leveraging information from satellites and ground-based systems, including datasets from, Copernicus offers essential insights into Earth's environment, driving progress in addressing global challenges. This collaboration underscores the pivotal role of open data in advancing Earth observation efforts and nurturing a greater understanding of our planet's ecosystems.

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