Ugrás a tartalomra
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Felhasználási esetek

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  • Közlekedés

TalkyCar connects your vehicle with your smartphone to track all your trips.

  • Egészségügy

MentalCheck is an app for psychological evaluation and self-registration.

  • Mezőgazdaság, halászat, erdészet és élelmiszer

MOVIDA supports farmers in the design, simulation and monitoring of vineyards.

  • Közlekedés

The core service provided by KissmyBike is the theft detection and tracking of the bicycle location.

  • Közlekedés

Umweltzone allows users to find out about the location of a low emission zone.

  • Energia

This service tests the merits of your switch to solar energy.

  • Régiók és városok

Maptionnaire allows users to easily develop a map-based survey.

  • Oktatás, kultúra és sport

Gispo teaches people to use and re-use open location-based data.

  • Közlekedés

I bike CPH helps you to find your way on bicycle in Copenhagen.

  • Gazdaság és pénzügy

OpenBusiness enables users to find the right location to establish a new business