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Newsletter - March 2024

Newsletter - March 2024
The official portal for European Data

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Webinar 'Personal data management and altruism: how and when are individuals empowered to make data sharing decisions?’

Join our webinar to navigate the Data Governance Act (DGA) and its impact on data sharing and control. Discover its alignment with the Open Data Directive and learn about new opportunities for individuals managing their data. A must-attend for those keen on the evolving legal landscape, taking place on 12 April from 10.00 to 11.30 CET.

Date 12/04/2024
Registration Register here
Open data for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system

Discover the role of open data in advancing the EU's farm-to-fork strategy, a cornerstone of the European Green Deal aimed at achieving a sustainable food system. This data story shows how open data fosters fairness, health, and environmental friendliness in our food systems, aligning with goals for a healthier planet and society.

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Unveiling the blueprint: Indicators for an Open Data Impact Assessment 

Unravel the complexities of open data impact with our latest report ‘Indicators for an Open Data Impact Assessment’. This study provides a structured approach to understanding how open data benefits society. It offers detailed indicators that trace open data's journey from raw data to valuable societal asset. Find the full insights on

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When open data meets data spaces

Learn about the European data strategy's vision for a unified data market, highlighting the role of data spaces alongside open data portals. This story illustrates how interoperable data spaces amplify the impact of data sharing across the EU, featuring examples of European data space initiatives. Essential reading for anyone keen on advancing data utilisation.

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The Digital Markets Act: Fair and competitive digital markets

Learn about the Digital Markets Act (DMA) its implications for data transparency, and opportunities for small businesses.  Learn how the DMA reshapes the digital landscape, focusing on user empowerment and fair competition, and fostering innovation and economic growth through open data. 

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Navigating new horizons: Copernicus and the global pursuit of scientific advancement

Read about Copernicus, the EU's Earth observation programme, revolutionising modern science with global impact. Collaborating with partners like ESA and EUMETSAT, Copernicus leverages satellite data for environmental services. Explore how open data contributes to the Earth observation efforts.

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European open data portals: Region Piemonte leading open data initiatives

Explore Piemonte Region's Open Data Portal, a pioneer in Italy's open data landscape since 2011. With over 1 250 datasets and a cloud-based initiative, it is a national model. Learn about Piemonte's innovative journey in data-driven governance and the Yucca-Smart Data Platform, supporting projects like DEAS for regional development.

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