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A sustainable data cycle needs a set of principles and practices, as well as effective data governance. The eighth course of the restructured data.europa academy called ‘ Understanding data governance with open data ’, dives deeper into how governmental and legal considerations underpin and influence open data. In addition, the course highlights the role of data.europa.eu in different data spaces and delves into the added value of data governance in the public and private sectors. Data governance sets internal standards to improve how data is gathered, stored, processed, and disposed of
On Friday 30 June 2023 from 10.00 to 11.30 CET, the data.europa academ y hosted the fourth and final webinar of the webinar series ‘Stories of Use cases’. The series focused on EU political priorities and the potential of open data in achieving strategic priorities and addressing societal, economic and governmental issues. Previous data.europa academy webinars in this series highlighted the European Green Deal , a new push for European democracy , and promoting a European way of life and an economy that works for all people . The final session presented how open data supports Europe in
On Friday 14 July 2023 from 10.00 to 11.30 CET, the data.europa academy will host a webinar on the portal dimension following the Open Data Maturity (ODM) report 2022. This is the third webinar in a series of webinars on the ODM report 2022. The first webinar, that took place on 10 February 2023, introduced the Open Data Maturity assessment, provided insights into the level of maturity of the 35 participating countries in Europe and presented the main trends. During this webinar, the four dimensions of ODM were introduced: quality, portal, policy and impact. The second webinar in the ‘Open

The seventh course of the restructured data.europa academy called ‘ Improving open data and metadata quality’ will dive into providing and collecting high-quality quality data and metadata. Through webinars, reading materials and e-learnings, you will learn how to unlock the benefits of open data, understand the role of data.europa.eu, follow guidelines and navigate the opportunities and challenges of citizen-generated data. To fully leverage the value of open data, it is important to clean the data initially. In the first lesson ‘ Cleaning open data’ you will learn how to recognize data

On June 30 th, we celebrate the International Day of Parliamentarism , a day dedicated to reviewing the key achievements of parliaments and recognising the progress in becoming more representative and modern. This includes initiatives like involving more women and young Members of Parliament (MPs), adapting to new technologies and carrying out transparent self-assessments. Parliaments continue to serve as the foundation of democracies and ensure that the voices of all people, especially the most vulnerable, are heard and cared for. Their role includes representing the people’s voice, passing

On 28 June 2023, the European Commission announced that an agreement has been reached between the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on the European Data Act , as proposed by the Commission in February 2022. The Data Act aims to boost the EU’s data economy by unlocking industrial data, optimising its accessibility and use, and fostering a competitive and reliable European cloud market. The Data Act complements the Data Governance Act of November 2020 by clarifying who can create value from data under which conditions. It includes: Measures that enable users of connected devices to

The quality of education varies on a global, national, and regional scale. Government administrations and schools publishing information on education enable citizens, policymakers, researchers, and teachers to analyse and compare these data and make informed decisions An example of this is the portal from the World Bank , Education Statistics (EdStats) ,which publishes worldwide education data on topics such as access, policy, learning and expenditures. It also provides tools, like EdStat StatPlanet , a visualization and mapping tool which allows users to create interactive maps and graphs

Data spaces aim to support data sharing across sectors, shaping our society and economy. The sixth course of the restructured data.europa academy called ‘ Moving towards data spaces ’, will dive deeper into data spaces by introducing the concept of these open data platforms, the infrastructures, user needs and developments, the role of data.europa.eu and the future of data portals. Data spaces are ecosystems that operate based on shared policies and rules to overcome legal and technical barriers to data sharing. The first lesson, ‘ Introduction to open data platforms ’, will help you get up to
On Friday 30 June from 10.00 to 11.30 CET, the data.europa academy will host the fourth and final edition of the webinar series ‘Stories of use cases’, focusing on the EU political priorities. Open data has vast potential to achieve strategic priorities and tackle societal, economic and governmental issues. Through its data.europa academy, the Publications Office has organised previous editions, highlighting how open data can contribute to the EU political priorities of the European Green Deal , a new push for European democracy , and promoting a European way of life and an economy that works

The month of June is ‘Pride Month’ dedicated to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer persons (LGBTIQ+). In addition, the European External Action Service has launched the ‘ Pride Heroes ’ campaign to acknowledge the work of those who promote the human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons, give visibility to diversity and contribute to a society of tolerance and respect. The LGBTIQ+ pride promotes self-affirmation, dignity, equality and increased visibility of LGBTIQ+ persons and all others with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics as a