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Discover EpiPulse – the European surveillance portal for infectious diseases

Fostering public health surveillance across Europe

In June this year, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) launched EpiPulse, the European surveillance portal for infectious diseases.  

Appointed experts from countries that collaborate with the ECDC, ECDC staff, and representatives of European authorities and international organisations provide data to the portal. The platform combines data from various surveillance systems such as the European Surveillance System (TESSy), the five Epidemic Intelligence Information System (EPIS) platforms and the Threat Tracking Tool (TTT). By integrating data from these systems, the platform serves as a single point of access to data, seamlessly connecting information and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration between users from different sectors. 

The EpiPulse portal is available to the public (after registration) to enable monitoring and analysing of cases of infectious diseases and potentially threatening pathogens.  

The portal allows for surveillance on the diseases themselves but also on associated health issues, for instance: global epidemic intelligence and health determinants. With EpiPulse, the ECDC intends to boost early threat detection, ultimately improving both prevention and control of infectious diseases, and its related threats to public health and society.  

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