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European data
Službeni portal za europske podatke

Slučajevi uporabe

Pronađeno 775 rezultata
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  • Vlada i javni sektor

MySociety makes parliaments more transparent and accountable (United Kingdom).

  • Promet

GoOV supports traveling independently in the Netherlands

  • Promet

Parking application and management tool combing Open Data with IoT sensors in Italy.

  • Energetika

Website providing mapped information about the quality of lambs on farms in Iceland.

  • Poljoprivreda, ribarstvo, šumarstvo i hrana

Global network of plant clinics and knowledge resource.

  • Promet

Map of wheelchair accessible buildings in Germany.

  • Okoliš

360Waste collects volumetric information of containers which allows for more efficient waste collection in Portugal.

  • Okoliš

Groenmonitor (Green monitor) monitors how green the Netherlands is by using satellite images.

  • Promet

Tuup uses Open Data on public transport schedules to build a user-friendly, end-to-end travel experience, and a one-stop shop for tickets.

  • Promet

Cyprus by Bus provides information about the public transport buses in Cyprus.