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Newsletter - July 2023

Newsletter - July 2023
The official portal for European Data

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Open data for regional growth: showcasing a real-life success story

Open data can help our cities and regions prosper. Join  at the European Week of Regions and cities 2023 to learn more. Come to our workshop, 'Open data for regional growth: showcasing a real-life success story' and discover the power of open data in the hands of innovators and entrepreneurs. Our workshop will take place in Brussels on 11 October 2023, from 14:30 to 15:30. Book your place until September 30th.

Date 09 - 12/10/2023
Registration Register here
Open Data Maturity Report 2022: Countries' perspectives on open data portals

Open data portals hold an important position in Europe's data strategy by facilitating access to and reuse of open data. Read our data story exploring countries' perspectives on open data portals and watch the recording of the data.europa academy webinar on 'Open Data Maturity 2022: Diving deeper into the portal dimension'. 

Data in Publications guide: explore how to present data in your publications

Presenting data in a manner that allows others to easily access, reuse and reference it can be challenging. The new Data in Publications guide brings together tips, examples, resources and visual aids to help you with various aspects, including writing about data, creating data visualisations and preparing and publishing data. 

Discover demography in the EU with High-Value Datasets on population

Data on demography plays a crucial role in understanding the world around us. Read our latest data story on High-value datasets - demography in the EU to explore how these datasets can be used to study population and gain a better understanding of the social, economic and other factors that affect us all. 

The EU has reached a political agreement on the European Data Act

On 28 June 2023, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached an agreement on the European Data Act. The Data Act aims to boost the EU's data economy by unlocking industrial data, optimising its accessibility and use, and fostering a competitive and reliable European cloud market.

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World Youth Skills Day: Open data to foster learning opportunities

On 15 July, we celebrated World Youth Skills Day, focusing this year on the vital role of teachers and other educators in equipping youth with the skills needed for an active participation in today's world. Read our news piece and watch the data.europa academy webinar on the European Year of Skills to discover how open data supports both upskilling and reskilling efforts. 

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ISSN: 2811-776X OA-BQ-23-005-EN-Q