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Sign up for the data.europa academy webinar ‘Data spaces: introducing the concept and relevance in today’s world’

Join our webinar to learn more about the European Data Strategy and the concept of data spaces

On Friday 12 May 2023 from 10.00 to 11.00 CET, the data.europa academy will host the webinar ‘Data spaces: introducing the concept and relevance in today’s world’. This is the first in a series of webinars on data spaces, presenting the European Data Strategy and the goal of forming a single European data space and creating a single market for data. This first webinar will introduce the concept of data spaces and the policy and legal framework supporting them.

The European Data Strategy focuses on putting people first in the digital world by defending and promoting European values and rights. The aim is to create a single market for data that will ensure Europe’s global competitiveness and data sovereignty. Open data is the highest level of data sharing, open to everyone and against no payment. By creating a single market for data through data spaces, open data can reach across all sectors in Europe.

The common European data spaces will bring together relevant data infrastructures and governance frameworks, allowing for the facilitation of data pooling and sharing. Currently, data spaces encompass various strategic fields including health, agriculture, manufacturing, energy, mobility, financial, public administration, skills, the European Open Science Cloud and the crosscutting key priority of meeting the Green Deal objectives.

Throughout the session, the concept of data spaces will be introduced and the policy and legal framework behind it discussed. It will also provide a first hint to the different data spaces developed in strategic fields, the technical aspects and the benefits and challenges of implementing them. The session is concluded with a Q&A session.

Would you like to learn more about data spaces and understand their benefits and challenges? Click on the link to register to the webinar.

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