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A moment of reflection: Our 2024 Academy highlights!

What were the 2024 academy's activities and a sneak preview of what is coming in 2025

2024 has been an eventful year for the data.europa academy, highlighted by a series of events that engaged participants from across Europe and beyond. Through 15 webinars, four panel discussions, two workshops, and one focus group, the academy explored key topics ranging from a series on artificial intelligence in data ecosystems to high-value datasets. In total, we have been happy to host more than 5,400 participants during the 2024 webinars! webinars!

Building on key themes, the academy organised two new workshops for students to equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to integrate open data into their research. We also explored new data spaces, such as the European Green Deal and the Common European Mobility Data Space. As in previous years, we also continued to share best practices and insights based on two of our major publications: Geospatial trends 2023 and Open Data Maturity 2023. Slides and recordings from all public webinars are available on the data.europa academy and can be accessed in the corresponding lesson, for those who wish to revisit sessions or view any content they may have missed.

In November, we also hosted a workshop for 40 data providers in Paris, for which a recap is available. Looking ahead, the new year presents new opportunities to participate in live webinars, enabling participants to connect with experts. Following the success of 2024, the academy will continue to offer insights from the recently launched 2024 Open Data Maturity report, explore new data spaces, and expand its smart cities series following the success of its recent launch

We remain committed to supporting a vibrant open data community, offering knowledge, tools, and resources for open data. Keep an eye on our event calendar for updates on upcoming webinars, so you can register for the first event of 2025!

For more news and events, follow us on X/Twitter and LinkedIn, or subscribe to our newsletter.

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