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Datenkatalog BEV: Find Austrian spatial data on the catalogue

Datenkatalog BEV catalogue offers high-quality Austrian spatial data collected from Austrian government agencies and institutions

A recent addition to the portal is the Datenkatalog BEV, Bundesamtes fuer Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV), part of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy in Austria. It is responsible for surveying and verifying geoinformation and serves as a search service for the Federal Office for Calibration and Surveying that delivers all metadata records of the catalogue. 

The BEV is also responsible for creation and management of the cadaster, where all spatial allocations of property land rights and topographical surveys are documented. The datasets are sourced from various Austrian government agencies and institutions, such as federal and provincial departments, statistical offices (for example the Austrian Central Statistical Office, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and Federal Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs) and research institutes 

The spatial data resulting from these operations form the foundation of the Austrian geodata infrastructure in fields such as regional planning, telematics/traffic control, environmental and nature conservation, national defense, internal security, agriculture and forestry.  

The Datenkatalog BEV portal offers close to 500 datasets available in the catalogues section of the portal. One  example of these datasets is the information on flight location cards. These are summaries created per flight operator to map a specific area. The datasets include the position of the flight strips flown and the central points of the measurement images. These are provided by the Austrian government free of charge to support open data proliferation and data transparency as promoted by  

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