Hyppää pääsisältöön
European data
Eurooppalaisen datan virallinen portaali


775 tulosta löytyi
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  • Terveys

Application providing information on the location of defibrillators and alerting trained bystanders

  • Energia

Service to analyse and advise on residential energy consumption

  • Terveys

Application providing insights on the risks of Diabetes based on the lifestyle of the user

  • Terveys

Mapping the spread of disease.

  • Terveys

Measuring the surroundings of Heathrow and find causes when different values are measured.

  • Valtioneuvosto ja julkinen sektori

Visualising where green areas are in the city Bologna.

  • Tiede ja teknologia

Stimulating innovation towards a digital public sector.

  • Liikenne

Application informing individuals about reliability of trains.

  • Valtioneuvosto ja julkinen sektori

Website providing an overview of jobs data.

  • Liikenne

Information on transport information in the United Kingdom.