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European data
Eurooppalaisen datan virallinen portaali


775 tulosta löytyi
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  • Valtioneuvosto ja julkinen sektori

Ik haat Gent is designed to avoid places in Ghent with things you dislike

  • Talous ja raha-asiat

DataScouts provides a real-time view of the evolution of the Belgian start-up scene

  • Terveys

Xpressomics is a Google-like search engine for genetic data

  • Terveys

DeepSleep offers a sleep sensor that monitors a child with high precision

  • Alueet ja kaupungit

DigMap solution enables easy and standardised way to disseminate spatial and non-spatial data

  • Liikenne

CITIUS is a crowdsourcing solution for building smart transportation services

  • Väestö ja yhteiskunta

The BucketList community caters to people's dreams and aspirations

  • Maatalous, kalastus, metsätalous ja elintarvikkeet

AgriOpenData helps farmers to improve their herbicides and fertilizers treatments

  • Oikeus, oikeusjärjestelmä ja yleinen turvallisuus

The Telegram app distributes real-time information from the police of Lecce

  • Liikenne

This is an iOS application containing all the stations and train departures in Romania