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European data
Eurooppalaisen datan virallinen portaali


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  • Talous ja raha-asiat

IAG's goal is to make the world a safer place. They do this by providing customer protection plans and aiding Australian and UN policy makers in their decisions regarding environmental disaster mitigation efforts.

  • Liikenne

FSTR is a carpool application that combines information of all carpooling apps in the market to provide consumers with more flexibility and options to choose from. They use this flexibility to encourage companies to join in the carpooling initiative and reduce traffic in the region of Gent in Belgium.

  • Liikenne

Flitsmeister is an app that helps drivers avoid fines, traffic jams and road blocks. Flitsmeister does this by providing real-time traffic information from open sources and its users. Next to the application, the company also shares this information via several radio channels.

  • Maatalous, kalastus, metsätalous ja elintarvikkeet

Farm Dog combines real-time observations with open data on soil type and optimal growing conditions of crops. By doing this, Farm Dog helps SME farmers maintain their crops and aids them in pest control.

  • Valtioneuvosto ja julkinen sektori

MPA solution is an IT company which creates predictive models for the environment using predictions gathered from open georeferenced data. The models and tools the company develops are used in various decision-making processes in the public administration.

  • Alueet ja kaupungit

A web-application providing information about neighbourhoods for house hunters

  • Alueet ja kaupungit

Digital map (interactive visualisation tool) displaying available workspaces in London

  • Koulutus, kulttuuri ja urheilu

A portal promoting digital cultural content and creating a network among cultural institutions

  • Alueet ja kaupungit

Provides water quality and services offered at swimming locations in the Netherlands

  • Koulutus, kulttuuri ja urheilu

Aides parents in deciding which schools in Amsterdam suit their children best