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European data
Eurooppalaisen datan virallinen portaali


775 tulosta löytyi
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  • Koulutus, kulttuuri ja urheilu

That's Life is a web-based interactive game which uses gamification to help students to find out where they will end up as a result of particular higher education choices.

  • Talous ja raha-asiat

Pikhaya Smart Streets is a free market intelligence tool for entrepreneurs, using open data to reveal viable business- and new job-creation opportunities in empty commercial premises in deprived urban centres.

  • Talous ja raha-asiat

In this application, statistical, demographic and basic information about buildings including the WOZ is found. It gives citizens a better picture of the area they may want to buy or rent a house.

  • Ympäristö

MOOSE integrates multiple variables to detect and identify long-term environmental anomalies and to define effective health indicators. Its goal is to monitor seasonal or interannual variabilities as well as the impact of extreme events that control physical and biogeochemical fluxes and marine biodiversity.

  • Maatalous, kalastus, metsätalous ja elintarvikkeet

Land Viewer is an intuitive web interface that allows non-expert users to select a geographic area for analysis. It enables insights in diverse categories, such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, pollution and climate.

  • Energia

Exceedence is a platform to compare renewable technologies and projects against one another to see which one in financial terms provides the best return on investments.

  • Ympäristö

EuroGeographics is an independent international not-for-profit organization representing Europe's National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities.

  • Maatalous, kalastus, metsätalous ja elintarvikkeet

Cropti's platform facilitates its management and allows the use of agricultural data to become more efficient through compliance of quality & traceability standards.

  • Maatalous, kalastus, metsätalous ja elintarvikkeet

Chloe Irrigation Systems is an artificial intelligence powered platform that offers personalized and optimised irrigation scheduling. The aim is to create a better future with less water waste and increased crop yield.

  • Liikenne

AIPARK provides live parking assistance based on data from millions of connected vehicles. The system integrates with all internet-enabled platforms: connected cars, mobility apps and traffic management.