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European data
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Finding open data in 2021: Data.europa.eu

EDP and ODP become one – the single access point for open data from Europe and its Member States.

Soon, the European Data Portal will join forces with the European Open Data Portal (ODP) to become the single access point for open data from Europe and its Member States.

Under the name data.europa.eu, the project will continue on its mission to support European countries in increasing their open data maturity, publishing open data, and promoting awareness of open data’s potential for re-use.

To better exploit the potential of open data and public sector information, the project is centred around:

  1. Harvesting metadata of Public Sector Information (PSI) available on public open data portals in European countries;
  2. Fostering uptake on data supply, including through the support to the improvement of the (meta)data quality supply; and
  3. Fostering the uptake of public sector information re-use across Europe.

The new portal will be implemented with the support of a Consortium led by Capgemini Invent, in partnership with Intrasoft International, including Fraunhofer Fokus, OMMAX, con.terra, 52°North, agiledrop, Timelex, Idean, the Lisbon Council and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

The strategic goal of the data.europa.eu project is to improve accessibility and increase the value of public sector information along the whole data value chain. Thus, the Consortium’s responsibility will be to operate, maintain and further develop the data.europa.eu portal, support Member States and European countries in the publication of data, and to increase awareness on the value and potential of public data resources.

Until then, we will continue to engage with the open data community by attending and speaking at events; hosting webinars on open data topics; writing about open data trends in reports, articles and news items; and promoting open data best practices and use cases.

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