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Recharge your electric vehicle by using Open Data

Various cities across Europe provide information about where to charge

Electrical bikes are increasingly popular in Europe. According to the latest figures, in Germany electric bicycles now account for 12.5% of the total bike sales; in Holland the e-bike market share in 2015 reached 28% of the total bike market. This figure is close to the development that is predicted for the e-bike market in Europe in the next five years.

Electrical bikes have a battery on board but you still need to pedal at least some of the time. This battery has to be recharged every now and then. Cities are adapting their infrastructure to this new development, and are installing recharging stations in their streets in order to facilitate e-bikers.

Using the Open Data available on the European Data Portal, the location of such recharging stations can be explored. A first example comes from the German city of Wuppertal, available here. As shown by the map below, this city provides several publicly available recharging stations for bicycles across the city.

electric vehicle recharge map

But electrical bicycles are not the only type of eletrical vehicles that need to be recharged periodically. Are you more interested in where to recharge your electric car instead of an e-bike? Numerous datasets on Electric Vehicle Charging Points are available on the European Data Portal as well, such as the map below for Greater Manchester.

electric vehicle recharge map 2

Explore the data yourself by following the link below.

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