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How to address privacy concerns when opening up data?

While the benefits of Open Data are widespread, an often heard concern remains the possible breach of privacy and is potential impact, in particular when the data published may contain enough information to re-identify individuals.

The bigger economies of the world are increasingly driven by the analysis of great amounts of data. However, data is not instantly valuable, the value resides in its (re-)use. Read more about the benefits of Open Data. Governments acknowledge this and have joined the data revolution by progressively publishing their data catalogues as Open Data, making the data accessible and reusable by everyone.

However, much of the most valuable data is personal data, whose publication out in the open may threaten privacy. To find out how to harness the potential of Open Data while making sure privacy aspects are duly addressed, we took a closer look.

Privacy Protection Confidence

In this report, the concepts of privacy, personal data, data protection, data anonymization, pseudonymisation and reidentification are addressed in detail.

Building on a series of interviews and further assessment of the new General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR), we explore and advise on how governments can publish their data while ensuring the privacy of their citizens.

The report identifies a number of steps throughout the Open Data Lifecycle which will help one reap the Open Data benefits while publishing privacy proof data.

With strong knowledge and solid weaving in of privacy preserving procedures throughout the Open Data Lifecyle, the issue of privacy will not become the barrier many fear.

Discover everything you need to know and become a privacy Open Data expert by reading the report below.
