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Newsletter - October 2023

Newsletter - October 2023
The official portal for European Data

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Panel discussion ‘Data Ownership – What is ‘your’ data?’

Are you a data provider curious about how the latest regulations regarding the data landscape will affect you? If so, stay tuned for the data.europa academy panel discussion ‘Data Ownership – What is your data?’ The registration link will be soon available under our events section.

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Discover the Data Visualisation guide!

In today's digital era, data visualisation is crucial. That's why the Data Visualisation Guide has been created, offering a free and interactive tool to support people on their data visualisation journey. With its seven chapters and numerous resources, it covers a wide range of topics, supporting all levels from beginner to advanced users.

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Open data maturity report 2022: Countries' perspectives on their open data policy and impact

The Open Data Maturity report 2022 provides an overview of the progress achieved by European countries across four dimensions, including the policy dimension regarding the reuse of open data and the impact dimension related to the implementation of actionable plans and improvements. Watch the recording of the latest data.europa academy webinar on the impact dimension and read our data story on countries' perspectives on the policy dimension.

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October is European Cyber Security Month!

This October, we celebrate European Cyber Security Month, guided by the motto #BeSmarterThanAHacker. With 122 cybersecurity initiatives organised by more than 17 European countries to promote an informed and secure Europe, there is an event for everyone! Check out our news piece to learn more about this year's theme and activities and stay tuned for our upcoming data story on the topic of disinformation!

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European Week of Regions and Cities recap: Open data as an enabler for regional development!

Open data can boost economic growth, sustainability and the quality of life, aligning with the European Union's cohesion policy designed to help regions reach their full potential. Explore our data story on open data, cohesion and regional priorities and learn more about the workshop hosted by during the European Week of Regions and Cities in our news piece.

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ISSN: 2811-776X OA-BQ-23-008-EN-Q